Click here to register with Star-Styled Dance Center!
are on FACEBOOK!
Friend us today!

> October 31 (PM classes only)
No Dance...Happy Halloween!
> Nov. 26-Dec. 1
No Dance....Happy Thanksgiving! Classes
resume Tues., Dec. 2
> Dec. 23- Jan. 1
No Dance ....Happy Holidays! Classes resume Fri., Jan. 2
> April 2- April 8
No Dance...Spring Break! Classes resume Thurs., April 9
> May 23-May 25 No Dance...Memorial Day Classes
resume Tues., May 26, 2015

> Rehearsals and Recital Dates:
June 11, 12, and 13 Rehearsals and 2015 Recital

Videos and DVDs: J.R. Productions, Inc. -- 412.821.1000
Dance Photos:
EFB Photography -- 724-776-5264

Payment and Subsequent Dance Payments/Coupon Book Fee
Coupon book
payments are $4. If you have not paid your $4 fee, please add it
to your October payment. (Tuition scaled payments are listed on
the website.) Tuition paid monthly should be submitted in the
drop box at the studio or mailed….If you prefer to pay quarterly
(for Oct., Nov., and Dec), these payments can be made online via
PayPal (visit
and pay on “one time payment” box at the bottom of the
homepage) or paid by check via the studio drop box.
Please contact
Cheryl at
starstyleddance@hotmail.com if you wish to pay your tuition
in full for the year. Quarterly and yearly payments do NOT need
to pay the coupon book fee. Please note that tuition once paid
is NOT REFUNDABLE for any reason.
What is this payment button for?
You can now pay one-time or past-due payments online by
credit card or through your PayPal account! (Please pay for
specific classes on their respective online registration pages.)
